The Complete Beginner's Guide To Healing Crystals

healing crystal

The days of healing crystals were the tool that hippies used seeking alternative ways to improve their health. Today the healing crystals trend is becoming more mainstream, and are also making their way into modern women's beauty and skincare routines. You're probably familiar with homemade facial rollers and crystals, but don't be averse to these products. Most of them are made from healing stones like jade, rose quartz or amethyst. So how does it all connect to bring about "healing"? Here are the basics any beginner who wants to heal crystals must know:

How Do They How Do They

The use of crystals in the human civilisations is documented from the early Egyptian, Greek and Chinese civilizations. While ancient people utilized Singapore crystal for protection (ancient Greeks believed haematite was their protector during war as well as the ancient Egyptians used topaz to repel nightmares and evil spirits) Healing crystals have also been utilized in modern times. Nowadays, crystals are used in many ways, including helping to improve your mental clarity as well as manifest your goals and balance your internal energy.

These crystals can be thought of as tiny energy sources. Because they're composed of elements like magnesium, calcium as well as iron and zinc they react to their surroundings and emit an electrical charge. It is similar to our bodies that emit an electrical field because we are composed of molecules and atoms which are charged particles.

Because each crystals is vibrating at their respective frequency, your body reacts to them differently. This is why certain crystals are appealing to you, but not to your partner, or even the reason you notice that certain crystals perform better in different circumstances.

It's not a magical way to be instantly enlightened by working with crystals. It can help you clarify your goals, whether you're trying for clarity in your life or get rid of negative thoughts or the burden of your emotions go.

Choosing Your Crystals

As mentioned previously, different crystals emit different vibrational energy. Therefore, each one has its own set of benefits. To get the most benefit from crystal healing, let your crystals choose you. And when you're shopping for crystals, you'll want to visit a physical store so you can hold every single crystal in your hands for a few seconds and then see how you respond to it. Do not get caught up with the benefits various crystals have and let your intuition direct you.

These are the most common crystals, and how to utilize them.

Rose Quartz

In the area of Singapore crystal the pink stones are usually linked to love. As with other crystals of pink, rose quartz helps restore trust, love and respect, which can be applied to relationships with others and even with you. People also utilize this to find comfort during times of sorrow and also to increase empathy and compassion.

It can be used for meditation. Simply place it in your hands and you will be more aware of the world around you. You can also place it in your home to encourage harmony amongst loved ones.


Citrine is often utilized to boost optimism as well as motivation and clarity. It can also be employed to overcome self-doubt. In addition, it helps to improve the ability to focus and be creative.

To reap the full benefits of this amazing crystal, carry one small piece of stone in your pocket every day, or place a few on your desk at work to boost productivity.

Blue Lace Agate

Those who are prone to anxiety and anger can take advantage of the calm and relaxing properties of blue lace Agate. Working with your throat chakra, this stone helps to promote better communication by helping you keep from resentful and angry words and ensuring you are able to effectively communicate your message.

The majority of people carry a small stone in their bag as well as wear it as jewelry usually as a necklace, or pendant to keep it close to the throat chakra.


Known for its ability to protect against negative energies and cleanse the mind of thoughts that are negative Amethyst is a different stone that is easily incorporation into your daily routine. It radiates calm energy that is why it's utilized in meditation.

It is not uncommon to see an enormous beautiful amethyst rock placed in people's homes as decor and also to emit its calming energy. A bowl of small amethyst crystals could be set in the bedroom to promote peace and harmony for better sleeping.


Selenite is a great stone to begin with crystal healing. It (and other white and clear stones) are extremely absorbent, making them ideal to clear out space and cleansing negative energy. It is perfect for meditation, as it helps to clear your mind and allow you to concentrate better.

To block out negativity To keep out negativity, selenite must be placed close to windows and doors.

© 2018 Peter Miller, Weight loss consultant. 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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